Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Approaches - Posterior Approach to the Hip



-THA, including revision

-ORIF post acetabulum

-Dependant drainage hip sepsis

-Removal loose bodies hip joint

-Pedicle bone grafting

-ORIF post. hip dislocations


-Diving Board

-Peg Board

-True lateral

-Good padding

-Be certain you have room to move the hip

Landmark - greater troch

Incision - 10-15cm incision, curved, centered post aspect greater troch

Internervous plane - None

Superficial Dissection

-Incise fascia lata to uncover vast lateralis

-split glut max (may have some bleeding from branches sup./inf. gluteal art)

Deep Dissection

-Retract short external rotators (sup gamell, obt internus, inf gamell)

-Beware sciatic nerve, runs over SER

-Stay sutures in piriformis/obt internus tendons

-Beware quad femoris contains supply blood to hip

-Open capsule - hip exposed

-Dislocate with flexion, ext rotation and abduction


-sciatic nerve - beware self retractors - may have two branches - beware of “small sciatic nerve”

-inf. gluteal artery - underneath piriformis = if lots bleeding, put pt. supine and tie off int. iliac artery

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